The average person has so many competing priorities this time of year it can be difficult to juggle all of the things that are competing for your time. Here are
FIVE things to remember to help you survive the year end.
1. Stay Organized
Most of us know that being organized offers a slew of benefits. It helps you feel more confident and
capable, it helps you stay connected to the things and people that are important to you, and it saves you time. According to Jamie Novak, author of The Get Organized Answer Book, "the average person wastes almost an hour a day searching for misplaced items like house keys, reading glasses and important pieces of paper”. Remember that how each of us defines organized and what it may look like may be different for each of us.
2. Be Realistic
Many people use the end of the year as an opportunity to try and complete everything that has not been completed yet this year. Maybe that includes annual sales goals, current projects, annual financial reports, or even 2013 unmet resolutions. On top of all that, this time of year usually adds family commitments, special events, holiday parties, and maybe even a little shopping. Keep your lists small and manageable as a laundry list is easier to write-off and not complete. Through all of it, stay realistic with commitments, project preparation, and the amount of time it will actually take to complete.
3. Make it Tangible
Setting ambitious plans and objectives can be fun and inspiring, but the difficulty in achieving them means that your elation can quickly give way to frustration. That’s why our efforts should be bounded by rational, achievable metrics. Vagueness beget vague actions and accomplishments. The more specific and tangible we can be the more likely we will be able to accomplish all that we want to by the end of the year.
4. Make it Obvious
Write it down. It sounds simple enough but study after study indicates that people who write out their to-do's, goals, and schedules are more likely to complete them. It helps to clarify your thoughts and it makes it obvious as to what, how and when things are going to be done. Then, share the information with those that are involved. It’s another way to get "buy-in", keep everyone informed, and build accountability - even for yourself.
5. Breathe Often
Your breath and your mind have an intimate relationship, if your breathing is fast and shallow it can stir up your thoughts and increase your stress, but if you learn to notice your breath and slow it down, you can reign your thoughts in and calm your mind. Stress breathing techniques give you practical ways to adjust your breath and respond at your best in any challenging situation, or anytime you want to relax and unwind.
Season's Greetings and Happy New Year!