When work life and personal life are out of balance, our stress level is likely to be high.
Balancing work and personal life has rarely been an easy task but in today's technology driven environment, the lines between work and personal life can be even fuzzier. Technology has allowed people to take work home and be accessible 24 hours, 7 days a week. It has also allowed people to be on the road for sales calls, leave the office for doctor's appointments and kid's events and still be connected to the office and productive. Although that flexibility can be beneficial for both the employer and the employee, it can make it hard to identify when work life stops and the personal life begins.
Consider the consequences of poor work-life balance:
Fatigue - when you are tired, your ability to work productively and think clearly might suffer. This can lead to poor performance, costly mistakes, and a feeling of not being present with family and friends.
Lost Connections - time is a fixed commodity. When you spend too much time with work, family and friends suffer and the possibility of losing touch with them increases.
Reduced Productivity - trying to do more usually results in accomplishing less. When we are stressed, overworked, or moving too fast, our bodies and minds can't process actions and ideas optimally or efficiently.
Here are some ways to help improve your balance:
Organization - with so many demands on adults today, experts believe the best way to balance everything is to stay organized; saving time, reducing stress, and increasing mental energy.
Exercise - it is widely known that exercising is good for your physical and mental health. But finding the time to squeeze in a full exercise routine can be challenging. Taking a 20 minute walk in between meetings, an express workout class before or after work, or even simple stretches throughout the day, clears the mind and increases blood flow preparing you for your next task of the day.
Finding Unwinding Time - a key to having a quality work-life balance is being able to unwind while away from the office. Research shows an easy way to do that is to simply take a vacation from your email. Taking a break helps employees pay more attention to family and friends when they are away from the office, and makes them more productive when they are working.
Set Your Priorities - figure out what you want your priorities to be, not what you think they should be. Ask yourself, "if i can only do one thing, what would it be?" The more clear you can be with what is most important, the more efficient with your time you will be.
Focus on One Thing at a Time - forget multi-tasking. As much as we like to think we can, research shows that it's not possible to focus on two things at the same time. When you are working, work. When you are spending time with family and friends, focus on them.
Ask for Support - you are not a super hero. Stop thinking that you can do it all. If life feels too chaotic to manage and you are spinning your wheels worrying about it, reach out for support.
Remember, striking a healthy work-life balance is a continuous process as your work life, family, and interests shift and change. Periodically examine your priorities, and make changes when necessary to maintain harmony.